Access Services Acknowledged in Dissertation

One of MU’s distance students, Shawn Collins, has completed her dissertation and has most kindly mentioned persons in Access Services who have assisted her with her work in the acknowledgments in her dissertation.

To quote from an e-mail note that she sent:

“When I was back in Missouri to defend, I stopped by the library to thank you, Tammy Green and your staff for their great work. I think that you were out at the time, but I wanted you to know that I appreciate what you do–I literally could not have finished my Ph.D. without you and your staff!! I have attached the acknowledgments for my dissertation. I would send virtual chocolates and flowers if I could.”

And, to quote from her dissertation acknowledgments page:

“I feel that library staffs are often overlooked when recognition is given for supporting research projects. I give my sincere thanks to Tammy Green, June DeWeese, Rebekah Wilson, and their staff, as well as other unknown librarians hither and yon who have pulled obscure references from their shelves, dusted them off, and sent them to the wilds of southwestern Colorado. Without librarians, the world would be a sorry place indeed.”

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