Government Documents Librarian – The minimum posting period has been met, but resumes may still be submitted. References have been requested on candidates of interest.
Government Documents Librarian – The minimum posting period has been met, but resumes may still be submitted. References have been requested on candidates of interest.
October 2, 2008 – Observing Users in Action
Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Place: Library Instruction Room 1
Presenters: Diane Johnson, Mike Spears & Caryn Scoville
The first half of this program presents a 40 minute broadcast of Observing Student Researchers In Their Native Habitat by John Law of Proquest.
The second half of this program is a live presentation of Usability Testing of the MOBIUS Catalog by Mike Spears, Diane Johnson & Caryn Scoville. They did usability tests of users performing tasks in the MERLIN and MOBIUS catalog and recorded the sessions with Camtasia screen capture software. You’ll see and hear users try to find and order books in MOBIUS and learn about some of the main issues users encounter.
Discussion will follow the presentations.
Mary Aycock and Jee Davis led a Library Issues Forum on Sept. 23 entitled “An Overview of Catalog Overlay Software Products.” The link to their presentation materials can be found at SDC’s program calendar web page.
This Saturday ~ September 27, 2008
Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Location: University of Missouri Reactor Field, Providence Road south of Stadium
Tire Collection Rules:
• $1.00 for each tire 16″ or smaller, $2.00 if it is on the rim. Car tires, pick-up truck, SUV tires and small trailer tires each count as one car tire. Bicycle and motorcycle tires are charged at their approximate weight in car tires.
• $5.00 for 16″ or larger tires, $10.00 if on the wheel. This includes Over-The-Road truck tires or rear tractor tires.
• There is a 50 tire maximum, although more than 50 tires may be brought to a tire collection if prior arrangements are made with MMSWMD.
Electronic Waste Recycling
The Boone County Commission, University of Missouri-Columbia, Mid-Missouri Recycling, and Mid-Missouri Solid Waste Management District are sponsoring an electronic waste collection event.
This event is open to households and farms from Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Howard, Moniteau and Osage Counties only.
No Businesses. Recycling fees apply for certain e-waste items ($5 per TV, computer monitor, copy machine and microwave).
All other e-waste items accepted FREE of charge.
For more information, visit,
573-874-7574, or e-mail
There will not be a New Technology Group meeting on Thursday, Oct. 2.
The Maneater, September 23, 2008
Editorial: Grant funding, student fees should supplement library
The Maneater, September 23, 2008
MU libraries look at long-term solutions for funding issues
Congratulations to Jee Davis and Mary Aycock on their new committee appointments:
Jee Davis
ALA ALCTS, Council of Regional Groups, Speakers Bureau Committee, 2008-2010
Asian Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA), Scholarship Committee
Mary Aycock
ALA ALCTS, Cataloging and Classification Section, Research and Publications Committee, 2008-2010
ALA ALCTS, Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group, Secretary, 2008-2009
On September 15, a book was returned to Ellis Library with a note stating: “A proffesor (sic) in the Agriculture Department here at Northwest Missouri State University was cleaning his office and found this book. He checked it out over 40 years ago but wanted to return it to its rightful owner.”
The book is titled Metabolism in the rumen by E.F. Annison and D. Lewis and was published in 1959 by Wiley & Sons. We cataloged it under the Dewey number: 599.735 An77m (accession #915111).
The last time it was properly checked out and returned was 1965. It was then moved to a seminar room (stamped SEMINAR NON-CIRCULATING on the due date slip) from which the professor must have taken it. Access Services usually searches for lost items for a whole year before we official withdraw them, this one was marked off the shelf list January 1971.
At the time VET also had a copy under the Dewey number (accession #925569). They currently have a copy in MERLIN under the LC number: QP151.A5 1959 (which may be the same book but lacks an accession number in the record for comparison). We’ve reinstated the returned book under the LC number and sent it up to the stacks since that seminar room no longer exist.
September 24, 2008 Grad Student Panel
Speakers: Stephanie Kartalopoulos and Daniel Conner
Location: Ellis Library Colonnade
Time: 2:00 PM
September 25, 2008 Alley Oop and the New World: a talk and Q&A with legendary underground cartoonist and MU Professor Emeritus of Art Frank Stack
Speakers: Frank Stack
Location: Ellis Library Colonnade
Time: 1:00 PM