New Discovery Tool Demonstrations

The MERLIN Task Force on New Discovery Tools, formed in July 2008, has been working on a list of key tasks and requirements for a new discovery tool or search overlay to improve access to materials for library users (attached). The Task Force has scheduled several demonstrations as part of our investigations, and hope many of you will be able to join us for them (schedule below). The list of key tasks will be shared with the presenters beforehand to enable them to focus on UM’s needs at these sessions. The Task Force welcomes all input and comments.

RSVP to, 573-882-1685 by three days before each session or call or email for more information and parking passes.

Columbia, Oct. 20, Ellis Library Room 4G41
10 am Primo
1 pm VUFind

Kansas City, Oct. 30, Location to be scheduled
10 am AquaBrowser
1 pm Encore

Columbia, Nov. 4, Ellis Library Room 4G41
10 am WorldCat Local

Reminder: MU Libraries United Way Children’s Creative Arts Contest

Don’t forget to submit your child’s or grandchild’s pictures illustrating the theme of helping others for our United Way Art Contest by Thursday, October 23rd! Artwork will be exhibited and voted on at the MU Libraries United Way Campaign Kick-off Luncheon. The display will be moved to the staff lounge following this event. The creator of the winning entry in each age category will receive a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card. (Final age categories are TBD based on the submissions received.) All entrants will receive a small treat as a thank you for their participation.

A few guidelines to keep in mind:

• All artwork must be 8.5” x 11” size. 2-dimensional art only.
• Include the following information on a separate sheet attached to each submission: Child’s name and age, parent or grandparent’s name, library department and relationship to child.
• Please drop off your submissions by Thursday, October 23rd at the library’s administrative offices (104 Ellis) or mail them to Michelle Baggett at the Engineering Library.

MU Libraries United Way Kick-Off Luncheon and Children’s Art Exhibition

• The pizza luncheon will take place on October 27th from 11:30 a.m-1:30 p.m. in the fourth floor conference room.
• Our program will run from approximately 12-12:30 p.m. and includes Alana Coon of the Boys & Girls Town of Missouri and Dave Holtgraewe of the Heart of Missouri United Way, who will tell us more about how United Way works and share stories about people who have received help from United Way funded programs.
• When you pick up and return your pledge card during this event, you will be eligible to win a book store gift card. Small door prizes will also be awarded.
• This will also be your opportunity to cast a vote for the winners of our Children’s Art Contest.

Please RSVP to Nora Tamm ( by Thursday, Oct. 23rd, if you would like pizza.

Human Resource Services Training Conference

Human Resource Services is sponsoring its 4th Annual Training Conference, October 21-23, 2008, for Columbia campus staff employees. There will be over fifty training sessions covering diverse topics including topics such as leadership, supervision, personal financial planning, retirement planning, and time management. Also included is a session from Dewey Thompson on ‘True Colors.’

All sessions are free and this is a great opportunity to set aside a couple of days for professional development. All sessions will be held at Memorial Union and the speakers are mostly MU staff and faculty who are all experts in their fields. Sessions run concurrently but several topics are repeated over the two days.

For course information, and to register online, go to Release time is available with supervisor approval. As an FYI, employees in academic titles have been able to attend on a space-available basis.

NIH Public Access Update

The NIH Public Access mandate has been in effect since April 2008. We thought you’d be interested in what the MU Libraries have been doing to support NIH researchers on campus.

In addition to updating the MU Libraries Guide to the NIH Public Access Policy as needed (and continuing to monitor any legal challenges to the policy!), the Libraries have sent information to all NIH researchers on campus about the policy. Brenda Graves-Blevins, Diane Johnson, and Kate Anderson have spoken to a number of different groups, including: Life Sciences Center investigators; Council of Research Administrators; School of Medicine Research Council; and the Grant Writers Network.

When talking to researchers and support staff about this new policy, we emphasize that:

  1. The MU Libraries are the go-to resource for clarifying the Public Access policy; determining individual journal policies; finding PMCIDs; etc.;
  2. Researchers need to read the fine print to make sure they understand the journal’s policy and to avoid unnecessary charges;
  3. The SPARC addendum is available if needed. This addendum also helps preserve rights to submit to local repositories such as MOspace.

Thanks to all involved in providing NIH researchers with this information. Helping support this policy has been a good example of campus-wide collaboration, involving people from the MU Libraries, the Division of Information Technology, the Office of Research, and the Provost’s Office.

Submitted by Kate Anderson

New Posts, September 29-October 10

  1. Mary Aycock Completed Metadata Course
  2. Rebecca Graves Published in MLA News
  3. Shower for Nora Tamm
  4. Banned Book Exhibit
  5. MU Libraries Exhibit: “Of Thy Noble Past: The Early Years of MU Football”
  6. Kick Off Homecoming Week @ Ellis Library
  7. Congratulations to Jee Davis
  8. New Job Title for Cathy Menzel
  9. October Library Anniversary Recognition
  10. Graduation Day
  11. Competency Level Increase Recognition
  12. Hello to Jessica Renze
  13. Hello to Catherine Heckmaster
  14. Job Vacancy, Research Specialist
  15. Job Vacancy, Library Information Assistant
  16. Kate Anderson Wins Best Research Paper Award
  17. Volunteers Needed for Homecoming Open House
  18. SCARaB Has New Organizational Structure

Mary Aycock Completed Metadata Course

Mary Aycock recently completed a five-week, online course in shareable metadata titled “Metadata for You and Me.” With aggregated repositories such as becoming more popular, ensuring that your metadata is shareable assumes greater importance. A classic example cited by Robin Wendler at Harvard concerns a record of a photo she encountered in an aggregated collection titled “On a horse.” Such a general title provides little information to a researcher regarding what the photo is. However, learning what local collection the photo came from provides the key to unlock the context: a collection of photos of Theodore Roosevelt (thus, the photo features Theodore Roosevelt on a horse). Shareable metadata find ways to address how to bridge the gap between what is sufficient in a local collection versus the needs of a wider universe.

This course will help support Mary’s work in developing metadata guidelines for MOspace.