Healthy for Life Update

• Healthy for Life is now enrolling participants for Eat for Life. This 10 week program uses mind-body practices (meditation and yoga) and the principles of intuitive eating as the foundation for learning how to create a healthy relationship with your food, mind, and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you. Orientation: Monday, Feb. 9 at 5:30. Classes on Mondays starting Feb. 16 (5:30 – 7:00 pm). There is a $40 fee, $20 to be refunded if you attend 9 of 10 classes. CLASS SIZE IS LIMITED. Contact Hannah Bush at to enroll.

• The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program is an 8 week class that teaches skills for responding to stress with greater skill and creativity using formal mindfulness skills (meditation, yoga, body scan) and information about stress, communication, and wellness. Participants will be expected to engage in daily practice exercises outside of class. Orientation: Jan. 15 at 5:30. Class meets Thursdays (Jan. 22-March 12)(5:30–7:30pm). Full day retreat in March (9am-4pm). Cost is $40 ($20 refunded if you attend 7 of 8 classes). SPACE IS LIMITED. For more information about the class, please refer to the attached document or to register for the orientation meeting, contact Dr. Lynn Rossy at

• Want to know the latest campus wellness news? Sign up for the Healthy for Life newsletter. Read about interesting people who are making lifestyle changes for their health, tips for improving your own health, recipes and find out what events that are happening each month! Don’t depend on someone forwarding you this information, receive it in your inbox. Sign up by sending an e-mail to with the subject line “newsletter.”

• Have you been to our website yet? If not, check it out at If so, keep going back to see what’s going on in the wellness world. There are employee success stories, events, classes, program information, links and access to take the online health risk assessment.

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