Volunteers Needed for Homecoming Open House

The MU Libraries will hold its annual Homecoming Open House on Saturday, October 25 in the Ellis Library Colonnade from 10 a.m. to noon. There will be refreshments, library tours, fun freebies and a children’s craft activity.

Free concert series tickets are available for any staff members who would like to help out with this event. Please contact Shannon Cary or Sheila Voss by October 15, if you want to participate.

SCARaB Has New Organizational Structure

As of Wednesday October 1st, 2008 the Special Collections, Archives and Rare Books Division (SCARaB) will have a new organizational structure. Prior to October 1st all academic and classified employees of the division reported directly to and were supervised by Division Head Mike Holland; however, as the two departments of the division are located separately on campus it seemed only logical to decentralize the administration of the unit. Full supervisory and management responsibilities for the Special Collections and Rare Books Department located in 401 Ellis Library will be placed in the capable hands of Alla Barabtarlo. Alla will directly supervise all professionals in the Special Collections & Rare Books Department and will report directly to Holland. Alla’s new title, reflecting her new responsibilities, will be Head of the Special Collections and Rare Books Department. Current organization in the University Archives Department, where all staff currently report directly to Holland, will remain unchanged. The new structure, it is hoped, will increase efficiency and effectiveness throughout the division. A new organizational chart will be distributed and posted to the MU Libraries Web site in the near future.