Search Update – Government Documents Librarian

The search committee for the position of Government Documents Librarian in User Services has identified three candidates to interview:

Sandra Schiefer will interview November 10, 2008. Ms. Schiefer will receive her MLS in Dec. 2008 from MU. She has graduate assistant experience in cataloging, reference and government documents. Other work experience includes owner of an online book selling company and a computer/web analyst.

Julia Todd will interview November 20, 2008. Ms. Todd received her MLS from Indiana University-Bloomington in 1999. Most recently, she worked at Baker University for several years as an Electronic Services/Government Documents Librarian. Prior to that, she worked at Nashville Public Library as a Reference Librarian. Ms. Todd is GIS certified.

Leo Dion will interview November 21, 2008. Mr. Dion received his MLIS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2008. He is a candidate in the Certificate of Advanced Studies program, also. Since 2006, Mr. Dion has worked at UI Urbana-Champaign as a pre-professional librarian in the government documents department. Other work experience includes graduate assistant positions and a stint in the Peace Corps.

All candidates will give a presentation followed by a question and answer session. The topic is “Government agencies’ increasing tendency to publish to the Web has provided access to federal information on an unprecedented scale. Given the new technological environment, and keeping in mind Federal Depository Library Program guidelines, what strategies do you think MU Libraries should adopt in coming years to meet government information needs of our users? How could you use your unique skills, knowledge and talents to help us achieve these goals?” Each presentation will take place from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. The locations are to be determined. I will send a notice via Outlook once the rooms are reserved.

The candidates’ resumes, cover letters and interview itineraries will be forwarded before their interview dates.

Leo Agnew
HR Manager

Recycling Q & A

Recycling Q & A with Steve Burdic, MU Coordinator of Solid Waste and Recycling
Monday, November 3
10 to 11 a.m.
Ellis Library, 4th Floor Instruction Room (4G41)

Come learn more about recycling on campus and in your home and find out the answers to all of your recycling questions.

Daylight Savings Time

There has been some confusion about daylight savings time this year. There are some calendars that state daylight savings time is October 26th at 2:00a.m. This is not true. This year we fall back one hour on November 2nd at 2:00 a.m. In my investigation to find out the true day and time, I found a Web site that states clock changes throughout the world. This web site will take you right to the St Louis, Missouri fall time change.

Ellis Library Security

Dressing for the Fall Weather

As you know the Library can get warm throughout the day. We can’t open any window in the library because it might harm the books. Also let’s save on electricity and not use fans for cool down. So when dressing for the fall cold weather, remember to wear several layers of loose fitting, lightweight clothes. This is the best protection and comfort from the cold outside and the heat inside the Library.

Ellis Library Security

New Discovery Tool Demonstrations

The MERLIN Task Force on New Discovery Tools, formed in July 2008, has been working on a list of key tasks and requirements for a new discovery tool or search overlay to improve access to materials for library users (attached). The Task Force has scheduled several demonstrations as part of our investigations, and hope many of you will be able to join us for them (schedule below). The list of key tasks will be shared with the presenters beforehand to enable them to focus on UM’s needs at these sessions. The Task Force welcomes all input and comments.

RSVP to, 573-882-1685 by three days before each session or call or email for more information and parking passes.

Columbia, Oct. 20, Ellis Library Room 4G41
10 am Primo
1 pm VUFind

Kansas City, Oct. 30, Location to be scheduled
10 am AquaBrowser
1 pm Encore

Columbia, Nov. 4, Ellis Library Room 4G41
10 am WorldCat Local

Reminder: MU Libraries United Way Children’s Creative Arts Contest

Don’t forget to submit your child’s or grandchild’s pictures illustrating the theme of helping others for our United Way Art Contest by Thursday, October 23rd! Artwork will be exhibited and voted on at the MU Libraries United Way Campaign Kick-off Luncheon. The display will be moved to the staff lounge following this event. The creator of the winning entry in each age category will receive a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card. (Final age categories are TBD based on the submissions received.) All entrants will receive a small treat as a thank you for their participation.

A few guidelines to keep in mind:

• All artwork must be 8.5” x 11” size. 2-dimensional art only.
• Include the following information on a separate sheet attached to each submission: Child’s name and age, parent or grandparent’s name, library department and relationship to child.
• Please drop off your submissions by Thursday, October 23rd at the library’s administrative offices (104 Ellis) or mail them to Michelle Baggett at the Engineering Library.

MU Libraries United Way Kick-Off Luncheon and Children’s Art Exhibition

• The pizza luncheon will take place on October 27th from 11:30 a.m-1:30 p.m. in the fourth floor conference room.
• Our program will run from approximately 12-12:30 p.m. and includes Alana Coon of the Boys & Girls Town of Missouri and Dave Holtgraewe of the Heart of Missouri United Way, who will tell us more about how United Way works and share stories about people who have received help from United Way funded programs.
• When you pick up and return your pledge card during this event, you will be eligible to win a book store gift card. Small door prizes will also be awarded.
• This will also be your opportunity to cast a vote for the winners of our Children’s Art Contest.

Please RSVP to Nora Tamm ( by Thursday, Oct. 23rd, if you would like pizza.