Book Missing for Forty Years is Returned

On September 15, a book was returned to Ellis Library with a note stating: “A proffesor (sic) in the Agriculture Department here at Northwest Missouri State University was cleaning his office and found this book. He checked it out over 40 years ago but wanted to return it to its rightful owner.”

The book is titled Metabolism in the rumen by E.F. Annison and D. Lewis and was published in 1959 by Wiley & Sons. We cataloged it under the Dewey number: 599.735 An77m (accession #915111).

The last time it was properly checked out and returned was 1965. It was then moved to a seminar room (stamped SEMINAR NON-CIRCULATING on the due date slip) from which the professor must have taken it. Access Services usually searches for lost items for a whole year before we official withdraw them, this one was marked off the shelf list January 1971.

At the time VET also had a copy under the Dewey number (accession #925569). They currently have a copy in MERLIN under the LC number: QP151.A5 1959 (which may be the same book but lacks an accession number in the record for comparison). We’ve reinstated the returned book under the LC number and sent it up to the stacks since that seminar room no longer exist.

New Posts, September 15-22

  1. Alley Oop Events
  2. Library Issues Forum
  3. Wellness Events
  4. Get a Free PC Scan
  5. Health Science Librarians Presenting at Medical Library Association
  6. Bob Almony Designated Librarian Emeritus
  7. MU Libraries in the News: Columbia Missourian
  8. MU Libraries in the News: Mizzou Nursing
  9. New Custodial Service
  10. New Container Recycling Bins
  11. Hello to Karen Marshall
  12. Job Posting Updates
  13. Hello to Cara Blome
  14. Goodbye to Ricky Kerns

Alley Oop Events

September 24, 2008 Grad Student Panel
Speakers: Stephanie Kartalopoulos and Daniel Conner
Location: Ellis Library Colonnade
Time: 2:00 PM

September 25, 2008 Alley Oop and the New World: a talk and Q&A with legendary underground cartoonist and MU Professor Emeritus of Art Frank Stack
Speakers: Frank Stack
Location: Ellis Library Colonnade
Time: 1:00 PM

Library Issues Forum: An Overview of Catalog Overlay Software Products

September 23rd, 2008 – Library Issues Forum: An Overview of Catalog Overlay Software Products
Time: 10:00am – 11:00am
Place: Library Instruction Room 1
Presenters: Mary Aycock & Jee Davis

In recent years, there has been much discussion in the library community about whether current integrated library systems are intuitive enough to serve current library users’ needs. Many commercial information providers and search engines, including Amazon, Google and LibraryThing, have changed user expectations and behavior with such features as one-box searching, “did you mean” queries, relevancy ranking results, faceted browsing, and social tagging.

In the quest to improve the public display and function of the online public access catalog, many libraries have installed catalog overlay software products. This presentation will examine such products, including AquaBrowser, Encore, Endeca, and Primo. Examples of specific implementations of these products will be displayed from libraries across the country. Also, common characteristics among them will be presented, as well as comparisons of the special features and services. The ways that the products rely on catalog records and the crucial role played by the data in the records will also be discussed.

A panel discussion will follow the presentation.

– Staff Development Committee

Wellness Events

Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers will be holding an open house meeting Monday, Sept. 22 from noon until 1 p.m. in room 225 of University Hall. This open house will be held on Monday, but classes will be held on Wednesdays at the same time and in the same room. This is a 13-week series, costing $156. The enrollment fee can be broken up into three payments, to be deposited once per month. There must be 15 people to sign up at the open house or the class will not meet. Anyone is eligible to attend, not just employees. So if you have a friend who works nearby, bring them!

Employees who attend all but one class are eligible to receive a 25% rebate through Healthy for Life. This fee is also reimbursable through the Flexible Spending Account with appropriate medical documentation. For more information, call Melissa Willett, communications assistant, at 884-1397.

Employee Wellness Fair “Fall into Fitness”

Get your walking shoes ready and come over to our Employee Wellness Fair “Fall into Fitness” for free flu shots, cholesterol and glucose screening, blood pressure, body mass index and assorted other screenings.

• UMHC employees: Thursday October 23, 2008 at the lobby of University Hospital 8:00 am-3:00 pm.
• MU Campus employees Thursday October 30, 2008 at Reynolds Alumni Center 8:00 am-3:00 pm.

Get a Free PC Safety Scan

If you have Windows on your home computer, chances are good that you’ve run across web sites and pop ups advertising FREE COMPUTER CLEANUP or WARNING! YOU ARE INFECTED WITH VIRUSES! Every month or so, mom sends me one of these messages to check out.

Ignore those!

However, Microsoft does offer a free service. You download several (free) plug-ins for your Internet Explorer web browser and your computer will be scanned. You can run a full scan of your computer or choose from security, clean up, or tune up options.

You must use Internet Explorer to use the service. Firefox won’t work. I wouldn’t recommend using this on a dial-up connection, unless you have some free time to let it download and run.

Bare in mind, software that “talks” directly to Microsoft will be installed, so don’t use this service if you are concerned about Microsoft having access to your computer.

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Health Sciences Librarians Presenting at The Midcontinental Chapter of MLA

Several of our librarians will be presenting at The Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association in Cody, Wyoming in October.

  • Kate Anderson will give a paper, “The dog and pony show: Developing and growing a clinical library service.”
  • Rebecca Graves and Barb Jones are collaborating with MaryEllen Sievert and Louise Miller on a poster, “Reaching the Open Spaces:Outreach to Missouri public health and school nurses, using the structured vs. personal approach.”
  • Deb Ward is presenting a poster with co-authors MaryEllen Sievert and Barb Jones, “Creating a Framework for Collaborative Regional Library Research.” Thanks to Rebecca for technical assistance with the poster. Deb is also serving as an invited panelist on a panel called, “Health and Information Access on the Frontier.”
  • Barb Jones is also presenting a paper titled “Calculators for Measuring the Impact of Health Science Libraries and Librarians” with Betsy Kelly, MLS, MBA Evaluation and Assessment Liaison, Washington University.

MU Libraries in the News: Rebecca Graves Quoted in Mizzou Nursing

Rebecca Graves is mentioned and quoted in the cover story of the latest Mizzou Nursing magazine: “ReMOOOOving the Sacred Cows of Nursing: Evidence Based Practice”

“Health science librarians, such as Rebecca Graves, fit into the literature review part of the evidence-based process. ‘We are here to either help someone in their literature search or conduct it for them,’ Graves says. ‘We help individuals distill their thoughts into an answerable question and then we search the databases to see if this question has been answered.’ Librarians also help individuals decipher the evidence found in regards to its value. ‘Not all studies are equal,’ Graves states, ‘so we help determine the value of the evidence.'”