This Saturday ~ September 27, 2008
Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Location: University of Missouri Reactor Field, Providence Road south of Stadium
Tire Collection Rules:
• $1.00 for each tire 16″ or smaller, $2.00 if it is on the rim. Car tires, pick-up truck, SUV tires and small trailer tires each count as one car tire. Bicycle and motorcycle tires are charged at their approximate weight in car tires.
• $5.00 for 16″ or larger tires, $10.00 if on the wheel. This includes Over-The-Road truck tires or rear tractor tires.
• There is a 50 tire maximum, although more than 50 tires may be brought to a tire collection if prior arrangements are made with MMSWMD.
Electronic Waste Recycling
The Boone County Commission, University of Missouri-Columbia, Mid-Missouri Recycling, and Mid-Missouri Solid Waste Management District are sponsoring an electronic waste collection event.
This event is open to households and farms from Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Howard, Moniteau and Osage Counties only.
No Businesses. Recycling fees apply for certain e-waste items ($5 per TV, computer monitor, copy machine and microwave).
All other e-waste items accepted FREE of charge.
For more information, visit,
573-874-7574, or e-mail