Jim Cogswell “Getting to Know You” Meetings

When Jim Cogswell first started as Director of Libraries in April of 2002, he made it a point to meet with all the employees of MU Libraries for one-on-one “get to know you” sessions so that he and the staff could get acquainted. After he completed this effort he wanted to make sure he met new employees soon after they began working for us so that he could become acquainted with them and to personally welcome them to MU Libraries.

As I was recently scheduling some of these meetings with new employees, it was brought to my attention that an employee has worked here for five years and never had a one-on-one meetings with Jim.

I would like to invite all employees who have never had a “getting to know you” meeting with Jim to please contact me at ellismw@missouri.edu (or call 882-9169) so that we can schedule one.

Also, if any MU Libraries employees would like to meet with Jim as a follow-up, please contact me (by using the email or phone number above) and I will get you on his calendar.


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