Staff Develpment Committee Presentation – 10 Tools to Bolster Group Efforts

Join Leo Agnew to learn 10 proven methods for working with others to generate ideas, evaluate processes, and reach consensus on the next steps. Session 1 will review methods that can help get new ideas off the ground. Session 2 will cover techniques for assessing existing processes.

The material covered in the sessions can be applied to meetings, to managing projects, and to help groups with their approach for generating ideas and assessing processes. Course material is taken from the book The Library’s Continuous Improvement Fieldbook: 29 Ready-to-Use Tools, Sara Laughlin et al; ALA, 2003.

Release time is available per supervisor approval. RSVP’s are requested by not required. Please RSVP to Brad Winter at Participants are not required to attend both sessions.

Session 1: Feb. 5, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 4G41 Ellis

Session 2. Feb, 12, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 4G41 Ellis

Competency Level Increase Recognition for Jerri Eldridge

Congratulations to Jerri Eldridge for successfully qualifying for a competency level increase. Jerri moves to LIS II, Level 3. To qualify, Jerri demonstrated a level of consistency and quality in her work that met the criteria for advancement. Twenty-seven library employees have now realized a competency level increase since implementation of the program. To learn more about the MU Libraries’ LIA/LIS Classification/Compensation/ Competency plans, go to

January Library Anniversary Recognition

1/2/2005, Alan Jones

1/4/2001, Ed Parker

1/5/1987, Tony Schwartz

1/5/1998, Anne Barker

1/6/1976, Cathy Menzel

1/8/1990, Jerri Eldridge

1/11/1993, Hunter Kevil

1/12/1981, David Truesdell

1/14/1974, June DeWeese

1/16/1996, Geoff Swindells

1/17/2005, Scott Ross

1/18/1996, Rebecca Graves

1/21/1997, Michael Holland

1/27/2004, Brad Winter

1/28/1991, Gwen Gray

1/28/1991, Michael Muchow

1/28/2004, Cathy Stubbs

1/31/2000, David Walsh

1/31/2005, Caroline James