Welcome to the New Library News Notes

To start off the New Year, I am going to try out Library News Notes in blog format. Please let me know what you think about the new blog. Either leave a comment here or send me an e-mail at carysn@missouri.edu.

I will be updating Library News Notes as I receive submissions, but I will still send out e-mail reminders to all staff on Fridays. If you don’t want to bookmark this page, there is a link to the blog on the Library News Notes Web page (http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/admin/newsnotes.htm). The easiest way to stay up-to-date with MU Libraries news will be to subscribe to the RSS feed linked at the bottom of the page.

Notice the events calendar on the right. I am still playing around with this, but I hope that this will be an easy place for staff to go and quickly see what’s going on at the libraries. (Of course, you have to send me that information if you want it in the calendar.)

I will also be playing around with the design of the blog. Although we have no graphics this week, I will be able to implement graphics into posts, so keep sending me graphic files for your announcements.

My hope is that this format will be more flexible and will allow staff to more easily find information. My goal is to provide the best communication tool for the MU Libraries staff, so let me know what you think.

Happy New Year!

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