Rethinking the Staff Representative Committee and a Call for Volunteers

At the discussion about the Staff Representative Committee (SRC) on Tuesday, Aug.14, it was decided by the employees in attendance that a working group would be formed to rethink the charge and the composition up of this committee based on the feedback from the recent survey that was administered by SRC.

The working group currently consists of Shannon Cary, Tammy Green and Bette Stuart. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Shannon Cary by Friday, Aug. 24.



Update from the Staff Representative Committee Survey

Thank you all for your participation in the SRC survey. There were 88 individual responses – greater than a 60% response rate.

Elaine Huntsucker and PT Martin are working with Leo Agnew to analyze the data. We will identify the common themes and generate an independent summary report for distribution. To continue to preserve anonymity the report will not include any individual responses or quotes from the original survey.

Our target date for completion is May 18th.

Thanks again for your time and interest.

Elaine Huntsucker & PT Martin

SRC Questionnaire

The questionnaire for the Staff Representative Committee is currently posted.

There is a need to know how the Libraries staff wants to proceed with the Committee.  If you’ve received an invitation to this survey, please take the time to fill it out.  A low response says as much as the responses to the questions.

All answers to this survey are anonymous.

This survey will close at 12:01am on Thursday, May 10, 2012.

Staff Representative Committee Meetings

The Staff Representative Committee meets at 9:30am the first Wednesday of the month in the staff lounge.
*SRC meets regularly to discuss issues pertinent to employees of the Libraries.
*SRC is charged with serving as a resource to LMT & the Director regarding library employee’s opinions and concerns.
*If the SRC cannot immediately answer your questions, our task is to seek clarification from the appropriate authorities and pass that information onto you.
*Contact your SRC Representative with your comments and suggestions. If you wish to anonymously contact us, we maintain a suggestion box in the Ellis Library Staff Lounge and a Comment/Suggestion form on the web.

* Alan Bloom <> (07-10)
* PT Martin <> Chair (09-10)
* Debbie Melvin <> (07-09)
* Will McCrary <> (07-09)
* Ross Taylor <> (07-09)
* <>

Staff Representative Committee Meetings

The Staff Representative Committee meets at 9:30am the first Wednesday of the month in the staff lounge.
*SRC meets regularly to discuss issues pertinent to employees of the Libraries.
*SRC is charged with serving as a resource to LMT & the Director regarding library employee’s opinions and concerns.
*If the SRC cannot immediately answer your questions, our task is to seek clarification from the appropriate authorities and pass that information onto you.
*Contact your SRC Representative with your comments and suggestions. If you wish to anonymously contact us, we maintain a suggestion box in the Ellis Library Staff Lounge and a Comment/Suggestion form on the web.

* Alan Bloom <> (07-10)
* PT Martin <> Chair (09-10)
* Debbie Melvin <> (07-09)
* Will McCrary <> (07-09)
* Ross Taylor <> (07-09)
* <>

Staff Representative Committee Meetings

The Staff Representative Committee meets at 9:30am the first Wednesday of the month in the staff lounge.
*SRC meets regularly to discuss issues pertinent to employees of the Libraries.
*SRC is charged with serving as a resource to LMT & the Director regarding library employee’s opinions and concerns.
*If the SRC cannot immediately answer your questions, our task is to seek clarification from the appropriate authorities and pass that information onto you.
*Contact your SRC Representative with your comments and suggestions. If you wish to anonymously contact us, we maintain a suggestion box in the Ellis Library Staff Lounge and a Comment/Suggestion form on the web.

* Alan Bloom <> (07-10)
* PT Martin <> Chair (09-10)
* Debbie Melvin <> (07-09)
* Will McCrary <> (07-09)
* Ross Taylor <> (07-09)
* <>