Preservation 101

Preservation 101
Wednesday, March 4
9-10 a.m.
4G41 Ellis Library

Come join the Preservation Committee to learn how you can help keep the MU Libraries’ collection in great shape. Key topic areas include:

  • What warrants attention by Physical Processing
  • The best way to shelve and unshelve books
  • Human actions that damage books
  • Where to direct inquires about damaged books

This is useful information for new employees, student assistants, and anyone who touches a book in the course of their work day. Plus, you can pick up tips for preserving your home library and ask questions about book preservation. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

Can you answer the following questions correctly? Find out on March 4.

Which of these activities is considered always harmful to a book?
a. Using sticky notes to mark pages
b. Taking a book outside when the temperature is below 60◦
c. Using highlighters to mark text
d. Using book ends made out of obsidian
e. Reading a book near radiator pipes

Which of these should you report to Physical Processing?
a. Musty smell emanating from a book
b. Dried, brown stains on several pages of a book
c. A tear along the spine of at least.375 centimeters in length
d. A malfunctioning ‘HOBO’
e. A shelved book wrapped in pink thread-like material

Preservation Committee’s Trip to Jeff City

On October 27th, the Preservation Committee traveled to Jefferson City to tour the Missouri State Archives. Lisa Fox, the Senior Conservator, lead the tour, which included the Reading Room, the Archives’ stacks and the Records Management area. The highlight of the tour, though, was the preservation lab where the Committee spoke with the on-staff conservators and saw some of the processes used at the lab.

For all the details, check out the report at: