Updates from the Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee

Projects Completed:

  • A chair rail has been added to the Bookmark Cafe seating area next to the Security Office to prevent damage to the walls from the chairs. Chair Rail Chair Rail
  • The first floor women’s restroom has been renovated. The only remaining task is to put sconces on the walls next to the mirrors. Thanks for your patience! Door Mirrors Mirror Large Mirror Stalls Stalls Fancy Hand Dryer
  • Unused shelves have been removed from the wall near Digiprint. The wall has been painted, and one section of shelving remains for reshelving purposes. Reshelving Wall
  • The door to the Men’s restroom on the first floor now has an automatic door.

Projects in Process:

  • The area in 1 Central is currently undergoing renovation. Electricians are currently updating the wiring in order to have enough power for the computers. This tentative floor plan shows the general location of computers and study areas. Note: the furniture shown only represents the type of furniture to be used. The final selections have yet to be made by the interior designer. The area will include fixed computer stations, soft seating and study tables. No estimate has been given for completion of the renovation.
  • Paper signs around Ellis are currently being replaced with laminated signs with a consistent design.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

News From the Ellis Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee

The Ellis Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee (ESFAC) has some new projects underway.

ESFAC is currently working on: the removal of the CPRR marble counter, renovating the women’s restroom on the first floor, compiling data for Ellis Library’s current signage dilemma, posting location guides outside of the elevators for our patrons, and researching a student’s request to have cushioned chairs in Ellis Library along with the projects below.

As you can see, ESFAC members are actively working on small and large projects. In addition to a list of considerations the committee members are strategically working through at every ESFAC meeting. All substantial considerations are submitted to the Library Management Team (LMT) as a proposal.  The LMT members have the final word as to whether or not a consideration will be approved.

Lastly, all recommendations/considerations will be reviewed but may not be addressed by the committee.

Thank you,



New University Smoking Policy

The University Smoking Policy will be effective July 1, 2011.

To review the University of Missouri smoking policy please see link below:


If you should have questions about the implementation, compliance tips, map of designated smoking areas, smoking-cessation resources, and just general questions to ask please refer to the link below:


The University will be providing FREE smoking cessation programs, access to one-on-one counseling, assistance in developing a personalized quit plan and peer support, along with FREE gum, patches and lozenges to employees.  Please see the link below for more information:


Ellis Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee (ESFAC) will be placing signs at the West and North entrances reminding students and patrons about the new University smoking policy.

Recent questions asked are:

  1. Does this mean that people will no longer be permitted to smoke in front of the library entrances starting on July 1?

Yes, please see: Smoking Policy below



  • Effective July 1, 2011 smoking will be permitted only in designated outdoor areas.  No smoking is permitted indoors in any university-owned or university-leased buildings or vehicles.


  1. What do we do if someone is smoking?

Please see: Addressing a violation

  1. If we get complaints from patrons about it and it is not a designated smoking area, how is library staff supposed to handle it?

Please see: Implementation


Lastly, building director will also be able to address complaints and violators.


Thank you,