Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 12/8/15

INFORMATION ITEM:  Ann Riley presented a request to the MU Information Technology Committee on 12/7/15.  The proposal/request asked for a one-time $650,000 allocation from the committee’s funds to help pay for electronic journals and resources. Ann reported that the reception of the committee was positive and they made a motion to approve the request.  The matter went to a vote by email which is still in process.  Ann is confident that the measure will pass.

INFORMATION ITEM: Library Committee Update: The committee met immediately prior to LMT.  They are very concerned about the Libraries’ budget situation, especially how it may lead to materials cut.  They stress again that no material should be cut without faculty consultation.

INFORMATION ITEM: Alternate funding – at the last meeting, LMT discussed whether or not the Library should submit a proposal for a supplemental fee.  Ann Riley mentioned the idea to the Provost and Deputy Provost this past week.  The Provost Office is seeking advice from the Universities’ legal counsel to confirm that if the fee was not assessed against all students then it will not need to be voted on by the students.

INFORMATION ITEM: Open Access document – Ann Riley had presented a document about Open Access to the Library Committee.  Committee member Dr. Elizabeth Chang offered to work with the OA Committee to finalize the proposal and take the initiative to Faculty Council for their vote of support.  Ann would like to invite the OA committee to the next Library Committee meeting.  Similar initiatives have been taken to Faculty Council before with little success or enthusiasm.  However, we might finally be at a tipping point where this could get some traction.  Key reasons include:

  • The message about OA has gone out for many years, now.
  • Well known and prestigious institutions have made similar gestures of support.
  • National foundations are now requiring institutions who receive federal grants to make research results available to the public for free (which usually means through OA).

    • Deb Ward mentioned that the Family Physicians Inquiries Network's "Clinical Inquiries" are a heavily-used type of resource in MOSpace. They are clinical recommendations for treatment used among the academic family medicine community, and are a good example of experimentation with open scholarly communication in partnership with an established publication, the Journal of Family Practice. To find them, enter “Clinical Inquiry” in the search box for articles.

INFORMATION ITEM: OER at MU – Jeannette Pierce reminded LMT that the library is coordinating an Open Educational Resources (OER) interest group on campus.  The primary focus is on how to reduce the cost of textbooks for students.  Jeannette has turned the coordinating of this group over to User Engagement Librarian Grace Atkins.

INFORMATION ITEM: Library Annual Report – this time of year, the Libraries receives many annual reports from peer research Libraries. LMT is considering if we should compile one.  It would be another tool to help tell the Libraries’ story. Ann has asked Shannon Cary to find out how much such a publication would cost.  If the Libraries proceed with plans to compile, it would be based on the Fiscal year that ends June 30th each year. Along with budget numbers and stats which we already collect for an annual statistical report, the annual report would include more data and text.

INFORMATION ITEM: Budget Planning – Ann Riley has recently heard that the Libraries will be scheduled to present to the campus Budget Allocation Advisory Council (BAAC).  The Library Committee has asked to see the BAAC presentation before it is presented.

INFORMATION ITEM:  UMLD expansion – Vice President of Operations Gary Ward is still on board with the UMLD expansion; however the project will have to wait until next year.

INFORMATION ITEM: Archives will fill out a space request form to formally request that Archives staff and collections be moved into the former Missouri State Historical Society Location when they move out of Ellis Library.  The request will be submitted to Gary Ward who will take it to the campus space planners.

INFORMATION ITEM: IT Transition – Ernest Shaw:  Many people have asked if the IT personnel will still transition to a centralized model now that the administration leadership has changed. So far the answer has been; yes, it will.  A map was recently distributed showing the assignments of what IT personnel teams will be responsible for what buildings. The teams were dispersed with geography, size and needs kept in mind.  Ernest thinks how they have us partnered is workable.  There is some concern about where and on what level the Library appears on the org structure of the plan.  Ernest reminds that this is just a draft.  The comment period is still open and not all the University divisions will transition to the centralized model at the same time.   Some of the changes will be good – desktop help could be enhanced and more responsive.

  • Announcements:



    • Corrie Hutchinson reports that Felicity Dykas has almost completed bringing the electronic resources cataloging and systems duties from Digital Services to Technical Services.
    • Ann Riley talked to Abbie Brown about calling together a four campus group to discuss the Summon renewal.  Considering a new discovery tool is not off the table.



      • Jeannette Pierce – mentioned that Acquisitions and Electronic Resources will want representation in that discussion.



        • Ann will have Abbie will talk to Corry and Rhonda as next step.
    • Jeannette Pierce announced that Security staff will soon transition some of their staff to desks located in Access Services.



      • For space reasons in Security but also to provide more of a security presence in Access Services.
      • Panic buttons are being considered for several locations throughout the Ellis Library and the Specialized Libraries.



        • More information will be made available as the discussion progresses.