INFORMATION ITEM: Jim Cogswell and Ellen Blair will meet with Interim Provost Ken Dean and Budget Officer Rhonda Gibler on November 19th to discuss library budget projections. Ellen will attend next week’s LMT for further discussion and meeting preparation.
INFORMATION ITEM: The Collection Steering Committee (CSC) proposed a new advisory group to look at how to effectively use off-site and on-site collections space. Tentatively named: Ellis Collections Space Planning Advisory Committee. A draft charge has been distributed by email. The goals of such a group would be to base Ellis Library space decisions on usage patterns and to take a more strategic outlook in space planning. After the charge is considered carefully by LMT, Jim would like to share with the Library Committee as soon as appropriate.
ACTION ITEM: Final adjustments and explanatory text is being added to lists of duplicates in UMLD 2 that will not be remediated in the mold recovery effort. Distribution of lists will be sent out by subject specialist liaisons to their respective departments.
INFORMATION ITEM: The Student Fee Working Group will meet next Tuesday. The main agenda item for the meeting will be to discuss the priority list of student groups with whom the working group will meet to discuss a possible fee.