Healthy for Life Update

Earn your 2014 Wellness Incentive in your May paycheck. See the attached User Guide!
In 2014 active UM medical plan subscribers can earn your $100 Wellness Incentive in your final May paycheck by completing two simple steps: your online personal health assessment and health screening. Plus, we’ve implemented a new, easier to use Cerner Health account that allows you to track your weight, exercise and food goals, participate in wellness workshops and connect with a dietician or trainer with the click of a button. Health screenings are available now—sign up for yours today!

Step 1: Complete your Personal Health Assessment (PHA). Start by creating your Cerner Health Account, or log into your existing account by visiting You’ll be able to complete your Personal Health Assessment and learn more about your health risks.

Step 2: Complete your Health Screening. You can schedule your free health screening at a convenient time and location on campus through your Cerner Health account. Or you can visit your doctor. You can use results from your annual physical exam obtained May 1, 2013 through April 30, 2014.

Taking Care of YOU: Body • Mind • Spirit

Good intentions to take care of yourself can be pushed out of reach by the demands on your time and attention.  You may overextend yourself trying to meet the needs of others, face daily responsibilities or live up to expectations.  These demands can lead to feeling stressed or burned out. Life is full of choices—and those choices affect the body, mind and spirit.  Taking Care of YOU is designed to help you deal with life's stress, make wise choices and explore ways to live a healthier life. Taking Care of YOU is an eight-week program that offers practical strategies to help deal with the stress in your life.  Managing life's challenges in healthy ways allows you to take better care of yourself and your overall health.  Each week you will explore topics through small group discussion, self-reflection and activities.

When: Tuesdays, March 6 – May 1 (no class on March 27, spring break) 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Where:  Heinkel Building, Room 226

Cost:  $35    

Registration Deadline:  February 25, 2014

Taking Care of YOU Registration Form PDF

For questions or more information contact the program instructor: Vera Massey, Nutrition & Health Education Specialist, University of Missouri Extension, 573-445-9792 or

Come join the Lunch & Learn Series on Quick and Easy Chinese Vegetarian Cooking.

SAVE THE DATE:          February 18, 2014

LOCATION:                  Room 185 GSB

TIME:                           Noon

PRESENTER:                Paula Vandelicht, Hy-Vee Dietitian

 DESCRIPTION:            Chinese Recipes – Vegetarian and with Meat

Bring your lunch and drink, and explore a couple of Chinese recipes to include in your healthy foods for 2014.

If you are a Campus Facilities employee and this is not your regular lunch hour, please get approval from your supervisor and

register with your CF Department Training Representative.

Registration requested due to room capacity.


New Fitness classes have started—it’s not too late to join!

Start 2014 off in a healthy way by enrolling in one or more of the fitness classes being offered to faculty and staff members. Some of the classes include yoga, pilates, zumba, and strength conditioning. Please check out the website at If you have any questions please email Sarah Ellis at

Jan. 17-Feb. 21 (Fridays): Zumba. Quarterdeck, Room QD251.Class meets every Friday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Please register and the cost is $24 for the series or $5 drop-in fee. Class is taught by Megan Jones. If you have questions, email Megan at

Jan. 6-Mar. 10 (Mondays): Pilates.  Townsend, Room 223. On Feb. 17 class will meet in Townsend 109. Class meets every Monday from 12:10-12:50p.m. Class is taught by Tina Price. No registration is needed. Fee: $3 per class. If you have questions, email Tina at

Jan. 8-Mar. 12 (Wednesdays): Pilates.  Townsend, Room 223. Class meets every Wednesday from 12:10-12:50p.m. Class is taught by Tina Price. No registration is needed. Fee: $3 per class. If you have questions, email Tina at

·         Weds Feb 26 –meets in Towns. 222

Gentle Yoga (Tuesdays & Thursdays): Ongoing. Dalton Research Center. Class meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:10-12:50 p.m. $3 per class; pay by month for one or two days a week (average cost $27 or $15 per month) Class is taught by Sandy Matsuda. If you have questions, email Sandy Matsuda at

Jan. 6-Feb. 10 (Mondays): Gentle Yoga. Quarterdeck, Room QD251.Class meets every Monday from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Registration is needed with a minimum of 8 students. The cost is $18 for 6 week series. Class is taught by Sandy Matsuda. If you have questions, email Sandy at


Hy-Vee offers great meal ideas—enroll in the DISH program!

DISH –Dinner is Solved at Hy-Vee.   Get a group of friends together, choose recipes, bring the fun and come to Hy-Vee. In as little as 2 hours at Hy-Vee, you can create entrees to prepare home cooked meals for your family.  With delicious entrees to plan the week around, it is easy to bring the family back to the table.  We Shop, You Cook, We Clean.  For more information, contact Paula Vandelicht at or call 573-442-8595 today.