Attending: Jeannette Pierce, Michael Holland, Brian Cain, Deb Ward, Ellen Blair, Mark Ellis, Jim Cogswell
INFORMATION ITEM: Remediation of Books by Gamma Ray treatment and relocation of treated material: we can identify approximately 13,000 items that we know will be sent for remediation (gamma ray exposure).
- Items of interest to Special Collections and pre 1870 material.
- Approximately 13,000 items.
- After Gamma Ray treatment, Special Collections will integrate about 1,000 volumes into their collections. The remaining 12K of these already selected items will be stored in the original UMLD building.
ACTION ITEM: MU Libraries will proceed/start cleaning the 11,000-13,000k items that are destined for Special Collections by getting of them ready for eradication of mold spores by gamma ray exposure. MU Libraries will work with Procurement Management to pursue a contract for that specific purpose. MU Libraries will also continue to consult with Environmental Health & Safety for guidance in contracting service and handling exposed material.
INFORMATION ITEM: Based on budget options and further discussion with Procurement and Environmental Health and Safety, LMT will consider how much of the collection can be treated with gamma ray vs. other methods and how much of the infected collection will be discarded.
INFORMATION ITEM: Discussion ensued about criteria for selecting what material (beyond the 13K already selected) will be treated and saved. Special attention was stressed on how to fairly proceed (taking into consideration the various stakeholders) while still making decisions in a timely fashion.