Library Assembly Minutes, Nov. 26

Present: Shelly McDavid, Marcia Strong – Ellis Library Security, Ann Riley, Sara Bryant, Libby Myre, Ruth Feldkamp, Dustin Hoffman, Matt Gaunt, Kim Moeller, Sheena Waggoner, Karen Witt, Shannon Cary, Rebecca Graves, Jim Cogswell, Jack Batterson, Michaelle Dorsey, Brian Cain, Karen Marshall

Welcome Library Staff Visitors: Matt Gaunt, Shannon Cary and Michaelle Dorsey

Welcome New Members/Representatives: Brian Cain, Kim Moeller and Ruth Feldkamp

Discuss December’s meeting:

  • Proposal to cancel the December Library Assembly meeting

    • Passed unanimously
    • Will resume meeting in January 2013

Shannon Cary, Communications Officer – Discuss Staff Representation Committee (SRC)

  • Staff Representative Committee

    • Currently inactive
    • Committee function:

      • Charged with serving as a resource to Library Council regarding library employee’s opinions and concerns.

For SRC’s more specific duties, see the policy:

  • No one has shown interest in chairing or co-chairing this committee
  • Last Call to be posted in News Notes, asking for someone to take charge of this committee or it will be dissolved


Michaelle Dorsey, Library Information Specialist – Discuss Preservation of Books

  • Encapsulation is using an ultrasonic welder to enclose pieces in plastic

    • All posters in Special Collections have been encapsulated and cataloged
  • Large number of enclosures done in house

    • Sending less out to the bindery these days
    • Many binding projects can be done in house

Examples are:

  • Fixed break: broken hinges
  • Torn spine: very common
  • Recasing a book: replacing the cover
  • Tip in pages
  • Kemper Funds

    • The MU Libraries received this grant in 2006 to support preservation of the collection
    • The money was payable in 3 equal installments, over a 3 year period

      • 2006-2009
      • These funds have had a lasting impact on our libraries and physical processing
      • More information available at:

  • If you have books that are in need of repairs, Michaelle says send them to her!

Matt Gaunt, Director of Development – Discuss Friends of the Library, Adopt a Book and other Library Potential Fund Raisers

  • Library Users should consider:

    • Library Society
    • Become a Friend of the Library
  • Friends of the Library

    • Goal to Raise: $10,000-15,000
  • Campus Campaign

    • $1.2 – 1.4 Billion
  • Libraries Goal

    • Raise $10 million over a 9 year span
  • Library Staff can Help

    • Provide excellent customer service with a smile on your face
    • Ask the patron if they have joined Friends of the Library
    • If someone wants to give back to the libraries, let Matt Gaunt know!
  • Capital Campaign

    • Facilities needs

      • Renovate the Health Sciences Library
      • Renovate the Grand Reading Room at Ellis Library

Director Announcements

  • Reminder: Ellis Library closed to the public November 27th

    • No water available in the building, it is being shut off for repairs
  • New Emergency Phone Tree

    • Updating and making it available early next month (December 2013)

      • Testing will take place shortly after finals
  • Renew Mizzou

    • Meeting regularly with the administrative staff from the offices moving into Ellis Library

      • Talking through some issues related to the move

        • Signage
        • Connectivity
        • Lots of little details to work out
      • January 2014 Library All Staff Meeting

        • Renew Mizzou Administrative Staff coming to our meeting to be introduced and discuss their plans for moving into Ellis Library

          • People from their departments moving into Ellis 104 and 202
  • Guests in Ellis Library

    • Brady and Ann Deaton

      • New Deaton Institute for International Affairs opening

        • Operating out of 104 Ellis

          • 104 Ellis will now be the executive suite
    • Brian Foster   

      • Retiring at the end of 2013

        • Moving his office into a room up on the 4th floor of Ellis Library in January or February 2014
  • UMLD2 Sub Terra

    • Books have been stored here since March 2007
    • This past Summer in July and August the relative humidity spiked to over 70%, prime conditions for mold growth to occur

      • Discovered books had sprouted mold in October 2013
      • Over 600,000 items are effected

        • Too expensive to irradiate the mold on all these titles

          • Some titles will be withdrawn selectively
          • Trying to keep titles with intrinsic value in the collection
      • Recognized need to find a new space to house materials now located at UMLD2 Sub Terra

        • Need for a space that is more environmentally secure

          • Possibility to build an addition on the Depository at Lemone Industrial Boulevard

            • This addition is approximately $4 million to build
      • More information can be obtained at:

Departmental Announcements:

Special Collections:

  • Display in the colonnade titled “Verba Sacra: The bible from manuscript to modern printing”

    • Displayed all of December 2013 and possibly January 2014


  • Our department is pleased to welcome Navadeep Khanal as our new E-learning librarian. 
  • We are also excited about the completion of the first stage of new carpet in East Reference

Meeting adjourned 2:01pm