Webinar: Big Data and Amigos Libraries

When: Tuesday, December 10, 1-3 pm central
Where:  Ellis 4F51A

Description from Amigos:  Big data refers to the data sets now available to organizations that are so large they cannot be interpreted by standard statistical software. For libraries, big data can provide new insight into patron use of library collections and resources. And when libraries move to sharing that data among themselves, it supplies the information needed for successful projects in cooperative storage and weeding, consortial collection development, and assessment of library services.

Join OCLC Member Services Consultant Eric Forte and a panel of Amigos librarians for an interactive webinar on this important topic. The session will include a presentation by Eric focusing on the types of big data available to libraries, followed by a panel discussion featuring Stephen Wynn at Truman State University, Cody Gregg at South Texas College, and Steven Thomas at Los Alamos County Library.