NDSA Update

The polls for the 2014 NDSA Coordinating Committee elections are open! Cast your vote by close of business on Friday, December 6, 2013 here:


As a reminder, only one (1) ballot may be cast per member organization. The Program Representative or a designated proxy of each member organization may submit your organization's vote.

Biographies of each of the candidates are attached and available from:


Information about the Coordinating Committee:

There are three available seats available on the Coordinating Committee, so both candidates would have a seat if elected.   Current committee members are listed here:


The Coordinating Committee is dedicated to the advancement of Alliance activities and furthering communication within the Alliance.

The Coordinating Committee works with the Working Groups to articulate a long-term, strategic vision for the Alliance. The Committee assists the Alliance Members in evaluating the effectiveness of the Working Groups and eliminating unnecessary duplication of effort between the Working Groups. Participants in the Coordinating Committee will act as liaison with one or more of the Working Groups. The Coordinating Committee will recommend for the creation of new Working Groups or to disband Working Groups that are no longer actively serving the needs of the Alliance.

The Coordinating Committee is responsible for updating eligibility standards for membership in the Alliance as necessary. Coordinating Committee members may be nominated by Participants in the Alliance or may self nominate. Coordinating Committee members are elected by a simple majority of all votes cast over an open voting period, typically two weeks.

The Coordinating Committee members should represent the various communities that make up the NDSA.


The National Digital Stewardship Alliance Outreach Working Group has prepared to a survey to help it prioritize its activities over the coming year.

The purpose of this survey is to query NDSA members on the past, present and future activities of the Outreach WG and to determine broad NDSA interest in the activities worthy of the highest prioritization.

The Outreach WG is also interested in hearing your thoughts on how the group can provide the most benefit to the NDSA and the digital stewardship community moving forward.

The survey is available at:


All NDSA member organizations and members are welcome to submit responses. Please share with all in your organization that have participated in any NDSA activities (not just those of the Outreach WG).

We're in double digits on responses but could use a lot more to get an accurate picture of the NDSA needs so we've extended the deadline to participate.

Please respond by close of business on Friday November 22.

If you have any questions about the survey or Outreach WG activities please contact the Outreach WG co-chairs Carol Minton Morris (cmmorris@duraspace.org) or Butch Lazorchak (wlaz@loc.gov).