Attending: Jeannette Pierce, Mike Holland, Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Jim Cogswell. Guests: James Hunter- EAP Director and Sheryl Cullina – MUL Personnel Coordinator. Support: Mark Ellis.
Information Item: LMT, Dr. Hunter and Sheryl Cullina discussed Renew Mizzou and impact to MU Libraries. They focused on stressors (potential stressors) associated with the project and explored suggested actions that might reduce or minimize stress felt by Library employees. Another meeting will be scheduled to further explore the issues – possibly with the corresponding management team of Admissions and Financial Aid (the University departments from which some personnel will be temporarily located in Ellis Library).
Action Item: LMT resolved to form the following Task Forces:
- Renew Mizzou Collections Task Force: to be convened by Ann Riley – this group has been currently meeting to discuss movement of collections due to Renew Mizzou.
- Renew Mizzou Study Space Task Force: Jeannette Pierce will convene a group to address the loss of student study space in Ellis Library due to Renew Mizzou.
- Renew Mizzou Communication Task Force: Shannon Cary (MU Libraries Communications officer) will convene a group to discuss how to communicate to both employees and students about the upcoming moves, impact and schedule surrounding Renew Mizzou.
- Renew Mizzou Welcome Task Force: Deb Ward will convene a group to consider the social and orientation aspects of the project focusing on what kind of events or gestures can be made to the personnel temporarily located in Ellis Library that will ease the transition of everyone involved.
- Signage – Jim will request the ELSFAC Signage Task Force reconvene to discuss the need for signs specifically related to Renew Mizzou Project.
Action item: Sheryl to look into timeline/project mapping software and consider a tool that could be used for all actions related to Renew Mizzou.
Information Item: LMT discussed how MU Libraries could contribute to the Military Support Initiatives as suggested by Dean Stephen Jorgensen.
Action item: LMT will dedicate a portion of next meeting to discuss the long range plans of Room 202 Ellis Library and how to communicate related information to MU Library employees and the University Community.