Library Assembly Meeting
September 24, 2013
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
159 Ellis Library
In attendance:Libby Myre, Sara Bryant, Jack Batterson, Kate Anderson, Sheena Waggoner, Dottie Heuer, Deb Ward, Dustin Hoffman, Karen Witt, Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Shelly McDavid
Agenda Items
Staff Representative Committee (SRC) update: Shannon Cary, Communications Officer
- Postponed to October 2013 Library Assembly Meeting
Reorganization of ACTS: Access Collections and Technical Services
Reasons for the reorganization of these departments
Recent retirements:
- Hunter Kevil, Head of Collection Development
- Karen Darling, Head of Acquisitions
Growing Trend: Digitization of materials
- 80% of the Libraries Acquisitions budget is now spent on digital materials
- Demand Driven Acquisitions book purchases
Paper serials purchases on the decline, replaced with electronic access
- Serials check-ins are down 50% due to paper serial cancellations
Recent retirements:
Collection Services
- Jackie Blonigen: Department Head
- Handles ordering, cataloging and physical processing of newly acquired monographs
Head of Collection Development and Acquisitions
- Currently seeking a Librarian for this position
- Interim: Ann Riley
Digital Services
- Felicity Dykas: Department Head
- Fastest growing area within the libraries
Cataloging and Meta-Data Department
- Wayne Sanders: Department Head
- Major impact: staff changes in reporting structure
- Physical move of space: currently taking place
- Deadline for complete reorganization: October 1, 2013
Planning an open house around semester break
Reasons for the reorganization of these departments
Library Assembly Representation
Impact of Reorganization on Library Assembly Representation
Those impacted are still represented
- Libby Myer will forward the notes on to LSO (Abbie Brown and Susan McCormack) and continue to keep acquisitions informed
- Dustin Hoffman will forward the notes on to LTS (Hardy Pottinger and Philip Redmon formerly part of LSO)
- Jack Batterson will keep cataloging and digital services informed
Those impacted are still represented
Impact of Reorganization on Library Assembly Representation
Library Assembly: Branch Library Representation
Both Karen Marshall and Wendy Batson are showing interest
- Possibility that both can represent and alternate attendance at meetings
- They will decide by the October 2013 Library Assembly Meeting
Both Karen Marshall and Wendy Batson are showing interest
Take the Library Assembly meeting to other Venues On Campus
Branch Library Hosting
- Health Sciences Library, Journalism and maybe Engineering
One challenge is securing meeting space on Tuesday afternoon at 1pm
Branch Library Hosting
- Director Announcements:
Renew Mizzou
2014-2015 Academic Year, Ellis Library giving up rooms 202 and 114
Losing 100 study spaces, looking for spaces inside and outside the building to accommodate this loss
Memorial Union and the Arts and Sciences Classrooms are being considered for late night study options
- Security in those buildings will monitor their own areas
Memorial Union and the Arts and Sciences Classrooms are being considered for late night study options
Losing 100 study spaces, looking for spaces inside and outside the building to accommodate this loss
2014-2015 Academic Year, Ellis Library giving up rooms 202 and 114
Ellis Library Structural Repair
Essentially the original 1915 section of the building and the 1935 addition need to be shored back together with large steel beams
- Beams being brought in through the windows of Room 202
- Repairs will take place from December 2013 to February 2014
Essentially the original 1915 section of the building and the 1935 addition need to be shored back together with large steel beams
U.M. Press
Jim Cogswell chairs the committee for the UM Press Director search
- An offer is being made to the preferred candidate this coming week
Jim Cogswell chairs the committee for the UM Press Director search
Veto Bill
Governor’s veto sustained, Legislature did not overrule enough votes
Money will be coming to higher education
MU receiving 14 million
12 million already earmarked
- 2 Million going to School of Medicine for the new Springfield Campus
- 1 Million slated for Veterinary Medicine
Approximately 2 million will be used for our campus’ needs
- Mid-year salary raises are not likely because a 1% pay raise just for the Columbia campus would cost $7 million
12 million already earmarked
MU receiving 14 million
Money will be coming to higher education
Governor’s veto sustained, Legislature did not overrule enough votes
Provost Foster
Recently announced his resignation and retirement
The New Chancellor will be choosing the new Provost
- Interim Provost is Ken Dean
The New Chancellor will be choosing the new Provost
Recently announced his resignation and retirement
Position Filled (3rd Reference Librarian, E-Learning Librarian)
3rd Reference Librarian is Nancy Messina
- Starting October 1, 2013
- Current E-Learning Candidate coming to campus Friday, September 26, 2013
3rd Reference Librarian is Nancy Messina
Department Announcements:
Access Services – Sara Bryant
Currently working on AV Lending via MOBIUS
Reasons why not all libraries are participating
- Not all MOBIUS Libraries have large AV collections
- Other MOBIUS Libraries are worried about damage
Reasons why not all libraries are participating
Currently working on AV Lending via MOBIUS
Access Services – Sara Bryant
LTS – Dustin Hoffman
Replaced instructor machines in classrooms
- Should be able to use a computer to do a presentation now
Replaced instructor machines in classrooms
Health Sciences Library – Deb Ward
E-Learning Candidate
Candidate search different due to affiliated departments on campus: ET@MO, SISLT and Mizzou Online
- All candidates need face to face time in these areas
Open forum expanded to accommodate other interested departments
- A second candidate withdrew only a week ago, left with one viable candidate now
Candidate search different due to affiliated departments on campus: ET@MO, SISLT and Mizzou Online
E-Learning Candidate
First Floor Renovation
- Completed and opened for patron use Monday September 23, 2013
Document Delivery Charges
Decided to stop charging our primary affiliated users the $5 document delivery charge
- Rationale is the mode of delivery is now digital
Decided to stop charging our primary affiliated users the $5 document delivery charge
Digital Storytelling Meeting
Could this be used to leverage the healthcare delivery system?
- Interested in the possibility of using this in conjunction with the Literature in Healthcare discussion group
Could this be used to leverage the healthcare delivery system?
Special Collections – Karen Witt
Karen Witt and Kelly Hansen are presenting at MLA
- K-12 Outreach and Special Collections
- Balancing Librarianship and Home Life
St. John’s Bible
- Special Collections will attend extra sessions on the care and display of the St. John’s Bible
Karen Witt and Kelly Hansen are presenting at MLA
Health Sciences Library – Shelly McDavid
- Creating an iMovie Slideshow of the 14 week renovation of the 1st floor
Cataloging – Jack Batterson
- Reorganization and move
Security – Dottie Heuer
- Found the Library Assembly Meeting very informative
MULAC – Kate Anderson
- The UM System is reviewing academic titles. Librarian and Archivist titles fall into this category.
Administration – Jim Cogswell
Chancellor Brady Deaton has resigned, but is not leaving campus
- Official Headquarters are at the Brady and Ann Deaton Institute in University Hall
Inviting him to keep an office in 104 Ellis Library
- He has kept a carrel in Ellis Library for years
Former Chancellor’s Richard Wallace and Mel George currently keep offices in 104 Ellis
- Former Chancellor’s do volunteer work helping the MU Libraries with fundraising activities
Chancellor Brady Deaton has resigned, but is not leaving campus