Request Books from MOBIUS Libraries
Request Books from MOBIUS Libraries
MOBIUS is a combined catalog of most academic libraries in the state of Missouri.
- Please refer to the how to request books from MU Libraries if you have not yet done so.
- If the book you need is not held by any of the MU Libraries or all of the copies are checked out, please select the MOBIUS Catalog button at the top of the page and re-create your search.
If a copy is available in a MOBIUS Library:
and follow the instructions on the screens.
- Select any MOBIUS Library on the pull down menu as a PICKUP LOCATION.
- If you are a distance learning student, a faculty or staff member working at an extension site, or away from your home library for an extended period, choose the nearest MOBIUS Library on the pull down menu as the PICKUP LOCATION. The books you request will be sent to that library.
- Enter your Username and password. Pawprint not working?
- A note will be sent to your MU e-mail account when the item is ready to be picked up.
- Pick them up as soon as they arrive.
- Most books requested from MOBIUS arrive in 2-3 days and can only be held for 7 days before they must be sent back.
- NOTE: For MOBIUS items, there will be a non-waivable $20.00 fee if the item goes to billed status.
- Journal articles and some other items held by MOBIUS Libraries may not be requested online from the catalog.
- Please go to the ILL@MU (Interlibrary loan logon page) to request journal articles and other items if your request was denied in either the MU Libraries Catalog or MOBIUS.