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Also Known as Psychological Abstracts; psychologyPsychological Abstracts; psyc infoPsychological Abstracts; psychoinfoPsychological Abstracts; psychinfo

Also Known as Psychological Abstracts; psychologyPsychological Abstracts; psyc infoPsychological Abstracts; psychoinfoPsychological Abstracts; psychinfo
Locate articles in articles in more than 1,300 periodicals as well as technical reports, dissertations, and other materials in psychology and related behavioral and social sciences. From the American Psychological Association. Includes a feature to suggest productive search terms to guide users to relevant results. [more]
? for single character wildcard; # alternate spelling; * for truncation.
Note: Wildcards and Truncation can not be combined for a term in a search. For example, a search for p#ediatric* would be the same as a search for P*.