University of Missouri Libraries Depository (UMLD)
UMLD, the University of Missouri Libraries Depository, is an off-campus storage facility for important, but infrequently used, library materials. UMLD is designed to provide high-density storage in an excellent climate controlled environment. The first module of UMLD (U1) is maintained at a constant 55°F and at a relative humidity near 45%, a PI of approximately 120 years. The second module of UMLD (U2) is maintained at a constant 50°F and a relative humidity of 40%, a PI of approximately 180 years. These controlled environments ensure that valuable, yet fragile, paper materials will be available for generations to come. Construction of U1 was completed in 1997, while construction of U2 was completed in 2021. The modules contain materials from the following libraries:
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Missouri University of Science and Technology
University of Missouri-St. Louis
The 12,000 square foot U1 module has a maximum capacity of approximately 1.4 million items, and the 7,600 square foot U2 module provides space for approximately 945,000 additional items. Both are organized in five aisles, with each aisle containing two ranges. The stacks are accessed by UMLD staff on a Raymond® narrow aisle heavy lift truck. Our “Raymond” is equipped with a safety basket which allows people to move about at height with minimal risk.
UMLD is managed by the Vice Provost for University Libraries through the Access, Collections and Technical Services (ACTS) Division Head and on-site staff. Though the storage facility is not designed for direct user access, a range of services allows browsing through Discover@MU, and the retrieval of materials for patrons to use in their homes, offices, other libraries, etc.
Name | Position | Phone | |
McFillen, Kevin | Supervisor, UMLD | 573-884-1640 | |
Akins, Dan | Library Specialist, Coordinator U1 | 573-884-1668 | |
Benedict, Christianne | Library Specialist, Coordinator U2 | 573-884-1668 | |
Access to materials stored at UMLD is through Discover@MU, the integrated library catalog of the UM libraries. The on-site staff endeavor to provide 24-hour turn-around from UMLD to the mail facility on the requesting campus Monday-Friday. Monographs are delivered through UM courier, commercial courier, or the local MU Libraries transportation system within 24 hours of receipt of requests. Please note: requests made on Friday afternoons will not be available until the following Monday.
Delivery methods for periodical articles and other scanned material include email, fax and other rapid services. UMLD Scan-and-Deliver requests are handled in the order they are received and are generally filled within 24 hours. Rush requests are sent within 4 hours. Please note: requests for scanned materials are limited to a maximum of 50 total pages, including all applicable pages, plates, pictures, inserts, and other included items. Requests for scanned materials in excess of this limit will be cancelled. If you require access to more than 50 pages of an item, please place a request for the physical volume. All requests for scanned materials will be completed in accordance with copyright laws and guidelines.
Requesting Items from UMLD
1.) Perform your search in Discover@MU.
2.) Enter Pawprint and password. Pawprint not working?
3.) Select PLACE REQUEST when you find your item.
Multiple Requests
Useful for requesting multiple journal volumes, this option allows you to select multiple titles, then fill out the Name, Address, and ID information a single time:
1.) Perform your search in Discover@MU.
2.) Select the Folder Icon.

3.) Repeat these step until you have have finished searching.
4.) Select Go to Folder View on the rightmost side of the page.
5.) Select Place Request on each item.
For persons not affiliated with MU who wish to drive to MU’s Ellis Library to look at an item from the Depositories, please contact the Ellis Library Circulation Desk at 573-882-3362. For anyone who is not affiliated with MU and not within driving distance, please contact your local library to ask for an interlibrary loan.