ILL@MU: Interlibrary Loan and Scan & Deliver Articles

ILL@MU: Interlibrary Loan and Scan & Deliver Articles

HomeArticlesBooksRenewals and RecallsScan & Deliver Articles
  • The Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL@MU) is available to all currently enrolled MU students, staff, faculty and emeritus faculty. Items needed for research will be borrowed for you without charge. See Interlibrary Loan FAQ for additional information.
  • Use the electronic Scan & Deliver Articles service to request scans of periodical articles, book chapters and any part of other printed publications owned by the University Libraries as permitted by copyright law. There is no charge for this service for MU faculty, staff, students, and emeritus faculty. Print or scanned copies of Microforms will be made as time allows.
May be directed to the Interlibrary Loan Office at (573)882-1101 or by email at    
Request Articles through Interlibrary Loan
  • For journal articles, first check FindIt@MU to see if the article is available in the Libraries or in an online resource. If we don’t have what you need, use the Request an Article button.
  • Log on to ILL@MU and use the journal request form to request the article from another library.
  • Articles will be placed on the web server when they arrive. You will receive an email at your MU email address with directions on how to retrieve the article.
Request Books, Dissertations, DVDs, … through Interlibrary Loan
  • First check MU Libraries Book Finder. If the item is available, request it through Discover@MU or MOBIUS.
  • Log on to ILL@MU and fill out the appropriate request form to obtain the book, dissertation or thesis not available in MU Libraries Book Finder. Use the book form to request a DVD.
  • Books, DVDs, dissertations and theses often arrive in a few days. Pick up the item as soon as you receive the email notice because most loan periods are 21 days or fewer.
  • NOTE: Textbooks for MU Classes cannot be obtained through Interlibrary Loan 
ILL Renewals and Recalls
  • To renew, contact the Interlibrary Loan Office at (573) 882-1101 or at a day or two before the item is due.
  • If you keep an interlibrary loan item longer than the due date, you are responsible for paying any fines or billing charges that are charged by the lending library.
If RECALLED Interlibrary Loan (ILL) items are not returned by the due date:
  • Your ILL and library privileges will be suspended.
  • Additionally, any charges assessed by the lending library for overdue, lost or damaged items will be passed on to you.
Scan & Deliver Articles
The Libraries will retrieve and scan periodical articles, book chapters, proceedings, technical reports, government documents, and any part of other printed publications held in the MU Libraries (Ellis Library and branch libraries). Once scanned, the material will be available online via ILL@MU. Print or scanned copies of Microforms will be made as time allows. All scanning will be done in accordance with copyright laws and guidelines.

MU Faculty, Staff & Students
No charge for active and retired University of Missouri Faculty/Staff, and currently-enrolled Students.  
Information Needed to Retrieve the Material:
  • Name of the book or journal
  • Title of the article or chapter
  • Author
  • Volume
  • Issue number
  • Date of publication
  • Page numbers
  • Call number (if known by the requestor)
General Public / Non-Affiliated Users
General Public / Non-affiliated. A Non-Affiliated person is one who is not an actively employed faculty of staff person, a currently enrolled student or a retired faculty or staff person at the University of Missouri in Columbia. NOTE: The General Public should funnel their requests through their local library.
Other Libraries, Institutions and Corporations
FAQ for borrowing from the University of Missouri Libraries First time request: Use this form and an account will be created for you. For loans and copies:
  • There is a $15.00 charge per filled request, with the following exceptions:
  • Photocopied items that exceed 50 exposures will be charged an additional $ .20 per exposure starting with the 51st.
  • Charges for items that are microfilmed or digitized will be on a case-by-case basis. Estimates will be sent to the requesting library before proceeding.
  • If already registered go to the Lending Logon page.
  • Some U.S. government publications, such as those available through the U. S. Department of Energy and National Technical Information Service, will have additional charges and will also include a service charge for our work. Charges vary depending the agency. We will provide the costs to patrons before beginning copying to determine that they are acceptable.