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PsycINFO with PsycARTICLESRestricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Also Known as psychological abstracts; pyschopsychological abstracts; pyschpsychological abstracts; psychinfopsychological abstracts; psych infopsychological abstracts; psych articlespsychological abstracts; psycarticlespsychological abstracts; psyc inforpsychological abstracts; psyc infopsychological abstracts; psyc articlespsychological abstracts; psychological abstractspsychological abstracts; psycharticles
PsycINFO contains references to articles in more than 1,300 periodicals as well as technical reports, dissertations, and other materials in psychology and related behavioral and social sciences. With the inclusion of PsycARTICLES, over 149,000 full-text articles from more than 70 journals published by the American Psychological Association and participating publishers are provided. [more]

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