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[insert_php] include ‘E:\wwwroot\includes\libraryfee\libraryfee.php’; [/insert_php]

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Why is the library fee important now?

The MU Libraries have reached a tipping point. Thirty years of consistently eroding funding have taken a toll on collections, facilities and service capacity. The libraries now face further decline, placing our libraries in a comparatively low ranking with our peer institutions.

The libraries have begun to plan for cuts to collections, hours, and services as a way of managing the mandatory campus 2% give-back, on top of other initiatives which have taxed the budget. With an infusion of new funds, and with a new partnership with students, the libraries could strategically begin to create new user spaces, maintain and build collections, and improve the level of library services.


Why is MU struggling to afford adequate funding for the Libraries?

The cost of information resources consistently increases annually by a higher rate of inflation than the Consumer Price Index (CPI). It is rare that the inflation rate for scholarly journals dips below six percent annually. The enactment of Missouri Senate bill 389 limits increases in tuition and fees to the CPI, leaving us with few viable options for increased campus investment in libraries. MU’s comparatively low tuition, combined with limited increases in tuition and fees, has held down costs to students. However, this has created an austere budget climate in which the MU Libraries are falling behind peers in services, space and collections.

What will be the cost to individual students?

The fee is based on credit hours, and is incremental over six years in order to alleviate undue cost without commensurate benefit to students who may not stay here long enough to see the changes. See the Fee Schedule for details.

How will the funds be used?

With the renovation of Jesse Hall nearing completion, the MU Libraries have an immediate need to renovate over 65,000 square feet in Ellis. This spring we will engage the student body in a series of forums on the use of space in our Libraries, both function and design. These renovations will be among the first investments made if a student fee were to pass. In addition, we plan to offer 24/7 access, to significantly expand collections available to students and faculty at MU, and to address long standing compensation issues for staff.

Can you give me a quick summary of the proposal?

A one-page summary is provided here.

Will graduate and professional students be affected?

Yes. The graduate and professional students will pay the fee if it is voted in. These students will also benefit from increased information resources, improved library spaces, and expanded services as a direct benefit of their fees.

What changes are being considered for the library buildings at MU?

See the Full Proposal for information about upgrades to spaces in Ellis and the preliminary drawings for Health Sciences.

<!– Preliminary drawings for proposed changes under consideration have been created for Ellis Library and the Health Sciences Library.


What changes have other university libraries made?

There are multiple ways that university libraries are changing to adapt to ever-changing technologies, information formats, and evolving services. You may want to take a look at some quick examples of what other libraries have done.

How can I learn more about what is being planned?

The detailed proposal is available for you to review.

How can I provide my feedback?

We welcome your feedback. A comments page is available for this purpose.

How can I help?

We are looking for students who would like to serve as Ridenhour MU Libraries Student Ambassadors, which is a group of students with an interest in representing the needs of students to the library administrators and who would like to talk with fellow students about library services and needs.
