Find Textbooks
- MU Libraries does not automatically purchase textbooks used in classes, however, some textbooks may be available for checkout through the library.
- Check the University Bookstore site to determine the exact title and edition of the textbook needed for a specific course. (Note: Click on the Agree button towards the bottom of this screen in order to go to the new page which allows you to choose your courses and see what textbooks are needed).
- Search Discover@MU to determine if the textbook is available from MU Libraries. On the search results page, refine your results by checking the box for Books. You can also search MOBIUS to see if the book is available from another library in Missouri. Directions for requesting books in MOBIUS.
- Check the following health sciences textbook guides: School of Nursing, School of Health Professions and the Department of Health Management and Informatics
- AutoAccess
- MU program that provides students with digital course materials through Canvas automatically at reduced cost.
- Additional Information about AutoAccess
- Requesting textbooks through interlibrary loan (ILL@MU)
- The Libraries cannot borrow current textbooks from libraries outside of Missouri
- Most libraries do NOT loan current textbooks through interlibrary loan.
- The loan period for an interlibrary loan book is two weeks to one month
- Check the following web sites that provide free online textbooks: