“October-November, 1862. A British Army officer who traveled to Virginia and was secreted into the Confederacy across the Potomac. In one section of this book, he reports civilian scenes along the way and provides details of interviews with Generals…
“October-November, 1862. A British Army officer who traveled to Virginia and was secreted into the Confederacy across the Potomac. In one section of this book, he reports civilian scenes along the way and provides details of interviews with Generals…
“March 25 to May 10, 1862. Port Royal and Beaufort area. South Carolina. A Northern visitor describes the efforts to educate former slaves from the Sea Islands at Port Royal.”
“Edward Dicey was an English author and journalist, on his trip to America he was the special correspondent of MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE and the SPECTATOR. Portions of his American account appeared in the pages of these periodicals before being…