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  • Tags: pd:1863

“In semi-fictional form, personal account of the hectic days of secession and war in northern Arkansas and Southern Missouri by a pro-Union author.”

“Most of this book is concerned with a factual discussion of the South; only the last three of its sixteen chapters deal with the author's personal experiences. The Reverend Ozanne was an Englishman who became a resident of the South in 1841 as an…

“William Howard Russell in March 1861 arrived in the United States as a special correspondent for the London Times. Landing in New York, he entered the South in April and traveled by train to the Alabama River and then to Mobile, Pensacola, and Fort…

“The Rev. W. Wyndham Malet was Vicar of Ardeley, near Buntingford, Hertfordshire, England. He came to America to visit his sister at Conway, SC. He traveled by steamer from Baltimore to Fortress Monroe, on a British warship to Charleston, by train to…
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