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“January 1864-September 1865. When Sherman's troops entered Georgia, Mr. McClatchey left the family farm near Marietta, GA. Mrs. McClatchey, however, chose to stay and face the invaders. She observed the plight of refugees returning to their…

“Baptist minister, an ardent supporter of CSA and political affairs in Virginia, Reconstruction.”

“The Rev. W. Wyndham Malet was Vicar of Ardeley, near Buntingford, Hertfordshire, England. He came to America to visit his sister at Conway, SC. He traveled by steamer from Baltimore to Fortress Monroe, on a British warship to Charleston, by train to…

“May 1865. Florida. A recollection of the first days of peace, when “the air was full of rumors of defeat."

“Ante-bellum recollections of life on a plantation, slaves in Texas Panhandle after the war.”

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“February 28, 1862. Mentioned the effect of the war on religious activities. Church attendance was increasing; volunteer women's groups were being entrusted with field and military hospitals; the Union blockade was causing Odin problems as he…

“Unknown time. Alabama. A lady recalls a story by her mother about a trying night when lonely women were brave.”

“November 1894-January 1865. Near Oxford, Georgia. A recollection of the sad realities of Sherman’s march through the area of a proud plantation presided over by the daughter of Methodist Bishop Andrew.”
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