Browse Items (1207 total)

“For 40 years minister 2nd Presbyterian Church, Charleston, SC. Relates to secession and the war. 1860- 1865, 547-675 pp. Smith genealogy, 743-751 pp.”

“200 numbered copies. On the cover: "On the Blockade, 1861 to 1863. Cotton planting in the Confederacy." A Northerner on a Mississippi plantation, north of Vicksburg.”

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“January 1865. Northern Virginia. This curious French visitor describes the effect of the war in Virginia, a black military unit, and the camps. He noted the variety of social classes and the lack of deference to rank among the officers, in the…

“1861-1865. Articles: ‘Life at the crossroads of the Confederacy, Atlanta 1861-1865 by Robert Gibbons’: ‘Foraging, scouting, and Skirmishing: the Federal occupation of Atlanta as seen in the letter of Maj. William C. Stevens, 9th Michigan Cavalry by…
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