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  • Collection: Items by Publication Date: 1930s

“Spring 1863. Holly Springs, Mississippi. A Confederate recalls mutual courtesy between General Grant and the owners of the house he was using as his temporary headquarters.”

“1865. North Carolina. In a letter to a friend, the last Confederate Governor of North Carolina describes the first weeks after the Confederate surrender”

"1865. General. A recollection of post-war actions which led to a comparative halt in sectional disagreements in the Protestant Episcopal Church."

“1863 or 1864. “Valley of Virginia.” Description of wartime meal at the home of paroled Confederate officer for Union invaders.”

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“March 17, 1862-October 5, 1864. Wartime correspondence between two South Carolina critics of Jefferson Davis.”

“November 1860-January 1861. Montgomery. Alabama. A judge reviews the election events in 1860 and the secession debates in Alabama.”

“June 1864-April 1865. Petersburg, Virginia. A little girl’s memories of the trying last months of the war in the key city south of Richmond.”

“February 10-June 26, 1865. Orangeburg, South Carolina. A girl’s diary records the coming of the Yankee and how the “desecrated. . . Orangeburg,” the “dreadful day” of occupation, the news of a brother’s death, and with defeat—“the gloomy prospect…
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