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When Richmond Was Evacuated
“April 1865. Richmond, Virginia. A South Carolina soldier describes the “deafening, roaring flames of the burning city,” as the confederate capital was abandoned to Yankee invaders.”
Some Observations of the Years 1860 and 1861 as Revealed by a Packet of Old Letters
“Wartime letters among sisters from Wilmington, N.C., Eufaula, Alabama, and Georgia.”
Refugeing in War Time
“Fall 1864-Spring 1865. North Georgia. An eight-year-old girl’s experiences as she and her family tried to flee from the Union Army and then came home to Dekalb County “to find ruin.”
North Garden Stations, Va., 1862
“Fall of 1862. North Garden Station, Virginia. A wounded Confederate soldier remembers kind assistance by residents near an improvised temporary field hospital.”
Early Days of the War in Missouri
“June-December 1861. Missouri. A recollection of the deep divisions of loyalty in a key border state.”
Courtesy in War
“Spring 1863. Holly Springs, Mississippi. A Confederate recalls mutual courtesy between General Grant and the owners of the house he was using as his temporary headquarters.”
Conditions Just After the War
“1865. North Carolina. In a letter to a friend, the last Confederate Governor of North Carolina describes the first weeks after the Confederate surrender”
Bread Upon the Waters
“1863 or 1864. “Valley of Virginia.” Description of wartime meal at the home of paroled Confederate officer for Union invaders.”
Alabama Secedes From the Union
“November 1860-January 1861. Montgomery. Alabama. A judge reviews the election events in 1860 and the secession debates in Alabama.”