Women on the Battlefield

The following articles show how the women of the South entered into new roles as the men began fighting. Jobs like nursing the ill and injured, spying on the northern troops, and sometimes stepping onto the battlefield were all filled by the women. These women showed sacrfice, heroism, and love as they gave up all that they knew and helped the confederate armies and soldiers. 

Our Women in the War: An Address

"Our Women in the War: An Address" 

In the contents of this article, women in the Confederacy were now living in a land with no connections to the rest of the world. Despite this, women of all ages had only one thought: "to aid and encourage the soldiers of the South". Many stepped up by working in hosptials, distributing goods, and collecting supplies.

Army Relief Work by Women of the Confederacy

"Army Relief Work by Women of the Confederacy"

This is an excerpt from the Confederate Verteran, which tells the story of the women of the Red Cross organization. Women were put into these roles with no previous guidelines, but were empowered by love for their soldiers. They went into hosptials and after seeing the terrible situtaion within the hosptials, got to work by doing all they could to improve conditions. 

"Our Women in the War:" The Lives They Lived, the Deaths They Died. From the weekly News ad Courier, Charleston, S.C.

"Our Women in the War: The Lives they Lived; The Deaths they Died"

This article summerizes the roles of the women who united and introduced the first hospital orginazation. The winter of 1861-62 caused the number of men returning home ill or injured to quickly grow. The women began this organization by meeting the trains that brought these soldiers home, and supplying medical aid to them. 

Women on the Battlefield