Adults View of Children During the War

While we've seen some of the recollections of events from a child's point of view, we should also see how the adults around the children view them. In the first article below, a group of Union soldiers is tasked with the job of returning a Confederate baby back to her family that is behind enemy lines. In the second article, a young boy experiences the end of the Civil War and describes the scene of the chaos at Richmond, Virgina.

And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

"And a Little Child Shall Lead Them"

Confederate Veteran v.28 (1920)

A former Union soldier recollects an event where a little girl walks to his marching line. The soldier and the rest of his line enjoy the time spent with her, then she points and tells then that she's a part of the Confederacy and the soldiers don't know what to think.

Fall of Richmond

"Fall of Richmond"

Confederate Veteran v.17 (1909)

A young man from Richmond, Virginia experiences the end of the Civil War. He describes the scene as many people, including children, try to gather as much of their belongings as possible before fleeing Richmond as it is set on fire.

Adults View of Children During the War