Board Members
Election of Executive Board officers is in May of each year at the annual membership meeting. All members are allowed to vote. Elected officers assume their duties on June 1st. Members of the Executive Board meet once a month. To find out more about what MULSA officers do, check our job descriptions.
Current Board Members (2024-2025)
President – Presides at all meetings, appoints special committees.
Ashley Granger
Vice President/President Elect – Assists president in carrying out work of the Association. Assumes Presidency during second year of term.
Nicole Merzweiler
Secretary – Records and distributes minutes, keeps MULSA records
Treasurer – Maintains the financial records of MULSA, including keeping the books and authorizing and writing checks.
Ying Hu
Courtesy Chair – Extends congratulations or condolences to employees in the form of cards, gifts or flowers.
Taira Meadowcroft
MUSE Editors – Responsible for the publication of the staff newsletter, The Muse.
Joel Kramer
Ellis Staff Lounge Co-Chairs – Responsible for cleaning and maintaining the staff lounge
Gwen Gray
Kimberly Evans
Social Co-Chairs – Primary organizer for all social activities.
Jennifer Walker
Jill Kline
Book Sale Co-Chairs – Coordinate the year-round book sale, the main income driver for the MU Libraries Staff Association. Maintain relationships with our partners, and organize volunteers to assist in moving and separating books.
Rachel Brekhus
Community Service Chair – Organizes fundraising activities and community outreach programs.
Megan Ballengee