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  • Query: The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine
  • Query type: Keyword
  • Record types:
    • Item
Record Type Title
Item 2289.jpg The Southern Women of the Second American Revolution: Their Trials, &c. Yankee Barbarity Illustrated. Our Naval Victories and Exploits of Confederate War Steamers. Capture of Yankee gunboats, &c.
Item 1434.jpg A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg
Item hand female light (1) (1).png A Virginia Girl in the First Year of the War
Item 1421.jpg A Monthly Concert at Tampa Bay
Item 1441.jpg As I Saw It
Item 1760.jpg In the Wake of Battle: A Woman's Recollections of Shepherdstown During Antietam Week
Item 1563.jpg A Woman's Wartime Journal: An Account of the Passage over a Georgia Plantation of Sherman's Army on the March to the Sea
Item 1569.jpg A Confederate Nurse: The Diary of Ada W. Bacot
Item 1919_tn.jpg My Autobiography by W.J. Cotter, Who has Lived Nearly a Quarter Century Beyond the Allotted Three Score Years and Ten and has Been a Methodist Preacher in Georgia for 73 Years
Item 2258.jpg The Story of my Life: or More than a Half-Century as I Have Lived it and Seen it Lived