Search (156 total)

  • Query: The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine
  • Query type: Keyword
  • Record types:
    • Item
Record Type Title
Item 1631.jpg Chasing Guerrillas in Arkansas
Item 1649.jpg Diplomatic History of the Southern Confederacy
Item 1718.jpg From Gloom to Glory
Item 1807.jpg Life in Richmond, 1863-1865
Item 1931.jpg Nancy Harts' of the Confederacy
Item 2017.jpg Refugees and Regueeing
Item 2033.jpg Rev. James H. McNeilly, D.D.
Item 2048.jpg Reminiscences of Rousseau's Raid
Item 2284.jpg The Muchly Married Miss Mary Boozer
Item 2302.jpg The Old South in Peace and War--Confiscation of Plantation