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  • Query: "Southern Historical Society Papers"
  • Query type: Keyword
  • Record types:
    • Item
Record Type Title
Item 2661.jpg Letter from a Virginia Lady to the Federal Commander at Winchester, Va.
Item lighter hand.png General Hunter's Raid: Story of How General McCausland Held Immense Odds in Check. Burning of the Institute
Item 2722.jpg War Times in Natchez
Item 2727.jpg The Fall of Richmond
Item hand female light (1).png My Childhood Recollections of the War
Item 2777.jpg Last Capital of the Confederacy at Danville
Item 2572.jpg Jeff. Davis House. Reminiscences Connected with its Ante-Bellum History-The Brockenbroughs, Morsons, Seddons, and Crenshaws, etc
Item 2771.jpg Reminiscences of Wartime
Item 1428.jpg A Confederate Woman's Kind Act Finely Told. Letter From a Soldier Boy to His Mother-­ Sympathetic Richmond Woman Shows Herself True Samaritan--Her Exquisite Sympathy and Hospitality to Two Confederates
Item 1600.jpg Closing Scenes of the War About Richmond