“1861-1865. Ten years old when the war began, this observer recalls the patriotic zeal that prompted the principal of his school, the Marshallville Academy (Georgia), to raise a company, recruit most of the older boys, and march off to Virginia.…
“November 1894-January 1865. Near Oxford, Georgia. A recollection of the sad realities of Sherman’s march through the area of a proud plantation presided over by the daughter of Methodist Bishop Andrew.”
“December 28, 1863 - May 24, 1865. The volume includes the observations of an ‘aging’ Methodist minister from Illinois who came South to recruit "patch of darkies" for the Union Army, beginning at Stevenson, Alabama. Later, he enlisted as a soldier…
“The early chapters of this volume, written by a distinguished scientist describe his antebellum and wartime experiences in Georgia and South Carolina, especially at Columbia. See also WARE SHERMAN and WHEN THE WORLD END.”