“June 8, 1861 -April 4, 1862. A manager of cotton brokerage reported the effects of the Federal blockade to one of the firm's owners. He included the state of the cotton market, the city's defenses, and the activities of the British Guard Battalion,…
“Hospital scenes and work at the Sanitary Fairs captivated this war observer. Mrs. Livermore's activities were confined almost entirely to Chicago, Washington, and border towns. She made one trip down the Mississippi River and she gives some account…
“April-May-1865. Macon, Mississippi; Memphis to Louisville, to Gallatin, Tennessee. The wife of a former Confederate officer remembers her return home to Middle Tennessee soon after the end of the war.”
“June 14-July 3, 1864. A successful cotton producer from Russell County, AL, to his nephew stationed near Savannah. Concern for the young man's health, description of everyday activities on the plantation, and references to shortages of glass jars…