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  • Tags: loc:Richmond VA

“This pamphlet recounts the author's experiences as a soldier in the Virginia 12th infantry until he was wounded at Antietam, and later as a clerk in a Richmond hotel.”

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“April 1865. Richmond, Virginia. An account of the evacuation of Richmond and the entrance of Federal troops, into the Confederate capital. The author, who lived at the corner of Twelfth and Broad, recalled these trying times for her children.”

“1861-1865. General. Memories of the conflict to “a little girl when the war began” include some very poignant and informative examples of the realities of those years.”

“April 2 - May 4, 1865. Richmond and Danville, Virginia, and Washington, Georgia. The last CSA Treasurer describes, in recollections written in 1882, the effort to take Confederate southward in April 1865.”

“April 2 - May 7, 1865. Richmond, Virginia - Washington, Georgia. Key Davis aide describes the flight of CSA Cabinet from Richmond, in 1896 recollections.”
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