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  • Tags: ts:memory

“April 1865. Richmond, Virginia, and route of Confederate evacuees. An eyewitness account of the fall of Richmond and the flight southward”

“April 1865. Richmond, Virginia. A South Carolina soldier describes the “deafening, roaring flames of the burning city,” as the confederate capital was abandoned to Yankee invaders.”

"1861. Eastern shore of Virginia. A native of the region east of Chesapeake Bay declares “This entire country... was intensely Southern in sentiment.”

“A former Confederate soldier describes his role in being assigned “to conscript the theater” for evaders of military duty in crowded Atlanta.”

“1863 or 1864. “Valley of Virginia.” Description of wartime meal at the home of paroled Confederate officer for Union invaders.”

“1861-1865. General. A Confederate recalled “the character and virtues of the Negroes before and during the war.”

“June-December 1861. Missouri. A recollection of the deep divisions of loyalty in a key border state.”
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