“June 17, 1861—August 5, 1862. Nashville, Tennessee. Letters and congregational records reflect the effects of the stress of the war, politics and union occupation on one religious’ group.”
“1860-1865. South Carolina. This sometimes, rambling and often fiercely pro-Southern recollection was written in Newberry and Charleston, South Carolina, and described events in the state—while defending the South and its efforts.”
“The statements made by a Birmingham hotel owner's wife before a U.S. Senate Committee in 1883 about the war years in Georgia—including very keen observations on her servants.”
“The statements made by a Birmingham hotel owner's wife before a U.S. Senate Committee in 1883 about the war years in Georgia—including very keen observations on her servants.”
“1860-1865. South Carolina. This sometimes, rambling and often fiercely pro-Southern recollection was written in Newberry and Charleston, South Carolina, and described events in the state—while defending the South and its efforts.”