French War Experiences

While France was never officially considered aligned with the Union or Confederate States; during the Civil War, there were French Nationals living on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. This exhibit will discuss experiences French Nationals had in relation to the American Civil War. 

Although their experiences aren't highlighted in the same manner as French national observers of the Civil War, there were between 10,000 - 20,000 French immigrant soldiers that served in the Union army.

One of the sources for this exhibit, "Auguste Laugel Visits the Army of the Potomac" highlights the experiences of a Frenchman, Auguste Laugel and recounts his personal experience with the Civil War. He observes the Union army stationed in Virginia during the tail end of the Civil War in 1865. Laugel discusses his thoughts about the root causes of the Civil War, and sheds light on his personal thoughts about the Union millitary, and the way that it had been organized.

Auguste Laugel Visits the Army of the Potomac

Auguste Laugel Visits the Army of the Potomac

La cause perdue: histoire de la guerre des confédérés, dáprès des rapports officiels et des documents authentiques

French History Of The American Civil War

French War Experiences