Search (29 total)

  • Query: "Southern Historical Society Papers"
  • Query type: Keyword
  • Record types:
    • Item
Record Type Title
Item 1552.jpg Autobiography of General Patton Anderson, C.S.A
Item 2180.jpg Some Reminiscences of the Second of April 1865
Item 2776.jpg The Last Days of the Southern Confederacy: Scenes in Streets of Richmond-Fabulous Prices
Item 2172.jpg Southern Women in the Civil War
Item 1992.jpg Richmond, Virginia: The Evacuation of the City and the Days Preceding It
Item 2477.jpg Woman Saved Richmond City: Thrilling Story of Dahlgren's Raid and Mrs. Seddons' Old Blackberry Wine
Item 2544.jpg Social Life in Richmond During the War
Item 2566.jpg Suffering in Fredericksburg: Refugees Returned After Battle to Find Chaos in Old City
Item 2594.jpg War Recollections, Story of the Evacuation of Petersburg, by an Eye-Witness; A Sad and Solemn Sabbath
Item 2632.jpg The Burning of Columbia - Affidavit of Mrs. Agnes Law