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  • Query: The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine
  • Query type: Keyword
  • Record types:
    • Item
Record Type Title
Item 2642.jpg Wilmington During the Blockade
Item 2664.jpg The Freedmen of Port Royal
Item 2700.jpg When the States Seceded; From the Diary of Mrs. Eugene McLean
Item 2701.jpg A Northern Woman in the Confederacy: From the Diary of Mrs. Eugene McLean
Item 2740.jpg Personal Recollections of the War
Item 2665.jpg What a Boy Saw of the Civil War with Glimpses of Gen. Lee
Item 1523.jpg A Night of Terror
Item 1537.jpg A Little Girl in the War
Item 1573-a.jpg Back to Dixie, A Hard trip
Item 1614.jpg Confederate Hospitals at Petersburg, Va